i am having multiple issues with the site and marketplace
issue 1
i was looking at the sitemap module and wanted to get more info on its functionality and it said "you must be logged in to comment' i click it log in and go back and im logged out again, im logged in on the module list and profile and forum but not on the module detail page so cannot get questions answered
next i went to look at info on the sitebuilder beta itried the download modules buttons wich only kicked me to my profile i tried the link to the info on thed entire bundle wich gave me just options to subscribe as a vip member ...wich i did spending 30 bux only to still get that subscribed as vip when i click the link again
and finaly an issue with the skin editor just editing the header hight to accomadate a slightly taller logo, the options for height are like 10 px diference each with no options to just write in a value..im a perfectionist when it comes to site styling and need control to the exact pixel values
and im thinking if i edit the css directly through ftp these may get overwritten with updates is that correct
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM