PDF files in Timeline

one week ago
60 posts
Hi, is there a way to upload PDF files into the timeline ?
one week ago
7,792 posts
You can use the FILES module to allow users to add files to their profile, then use the EMBEDED MEDIA plugin in combiniation with the editor on the timeline to allow embedding.
button.jpg  •  1.9MB

pdf.jpg  •  889KB

one week ago
60 posts
thanks, I have a license for Files. My profile shows two sites and Files is available on only one of them, even though they are the same, one has the internal IP addr, the other the DNS name.... Is there something I need to do to get files available on the DNS name site
one week ago
7,792 posts
shouldn't make a difference. To install from the marketplace on that site make sure your credentials are put in. otherwise upload it to the /modules directory then run the INTEGRITY CHECK from the ACP.
