Cloud Hosting

2 months ago
96 posts
Hello Jamroom team.. My dedicated server reached its end of life and I'm planning to move to a cloud based hosting. This is because my current webhosting is no longer providing dedicated servers only VMS. Actually I already picked HOSTINGER.COM cloud based webhosting plan, but I'm having issues uploading Audio, videos.
Could you please let me know what the requirements are for Jamroom to run smoothly on a cloud based hosting? The cites were successfully migrated, but the audio, video, modules, integrity check are not working. Your help will really be appreaciated.
2 months ago
7,793 posts
Cloud based hosting shouldn't be much different than regular hosting unless you're trying to spread your site out over multiple hosting instances for enterprize level scale.

The requirements should be the same:

Docs: Requirements

What is the actual error you're bumping into?
2 months ago
96 posts
What is the actual error you're bumping into? - Hello Michael and thank you for your response. So far I'm having two issues.
1.. The command image buttons are showing in a strange form(see attached file). It is happening on the three sites that I migrated. Is there any extension that may be missing?

2. The video conversion is taking for ever. Yesterday I uploaded a video for testing and it is still showing a message: "This video file is currently being processed and will appear here when complete"
3. Also looks like I can no longer do a System check. I'm getting "Unable to process your request" message
comandbuttons.PNG  •  14KB

comandbuttons1.PNG  •  3KB

sytemcheck.PNG  •  23KB

updated by @luis789: 01/08/25 07:21:44AM
2 months ago
7,793 posts
"This video file is currently being processed and will appear here when complete"
- its probably broken or stuck. go to your QUEUE VIEWER in the DASHBOARD and see if anything is moving.
- in your SYSTEM CHECK tool make sure you dont have an orange lights.

For the image issue, try going to the CORE -> TOOLS -> RESET IMAGE CACHE

If system check doesn't work then check your error log for why, either the jamroom error log or the server error log should show something.

Also use the INTEGRITY CHECK tool and the RESET CACHES tool to try to clear things out.
stuck.jpg  •  773KB

orange.jpg  •  1.2MB

reset.jpg  •  503KB

2 months ago
60 posts
thank for all your help. Finally I decide not to go with that hosing since there were so many failures to the point that I tried to update the youtube module and it got un-installed and I was not able to install. Basically the hosting deleted that module. On top of that, I could not do any updates from the jamroom control panel. Looks like HOSTINGER.COM are more focus supported on wordpress CMS and other popular ones but not jamroom which is a shame. I'll be looking for a virtual server or maybe I go with jamroom hosting. The only problem are my email based domains :(
2 months ago
7,793 posts
Whats the problem with the email based domains. Yeah email is not great on jamroom hosting, there is no included mail server.

There's ways around it but its not as simple as some hosting companies.
