Timeline redesign on Audio Pro similar to followme2 or Beat Slinger 2 Skin

2 months ago
96 posts
Hello Jamroom team. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Is it possible to have a timeline model from Beat Slinger2 or follow me skins to Audio Pro? If it is possible, how can I achieve that.
Lets face it, the AudioPro skin is a a great one form music content with the exemption of its old style time line(outdated).
I rather have the pictures and videos instead of just words and links showing in the timeline.
Not a rush, but I think it could be a great feature for the new release of AudioPro.

It it requires a project, np I'm willing to go for it, since a also need some assistance creating a custom video page similar to videoPro skin for for all the videos including you tube, not just uploaded videos.

AudioPro2Timeline.png  •  346KB

beatslinger.png  •  260KB

2 months ago
86 posts
you could combine the 2 skins but it would take alot work to get it to work right, I've added all skins into one and it took long to get everything to work together. The easiest way to get what you want if you don't know how to do that is to set AudioPro2 as site active skin and beatslinger as profile active skin.
updated by @monee: 12/19/24 05:09:47PM
2 months ago
7,793 posts
jrAudioPro2 skin does not have skin level over-rides for the timeline module ('jrAction') where the 'beatslinger' skin does.

You could try copying those over-ride files into your skin, see how far it gets you. They're just module over-ride files so it may work:


Its always going to be best if you're working from a cloned skin though because any changes to an jamroom skin structure would get lost if the skin is updated.
2 months ago
96 posts
Thanks Michael. Ill try that and see how it goes. I may have to do lots of css customization but it may work. I had already done some customizations for some pages as well but this may bey first time with profiles.
