how do I change the template used when item is shared to the same template that is used when item is posted. right now when you create item and it's posted to your timeline it uses the item_list.tpl but when you share something it using a different template. I think it's the action_list.tpl and it that doesn't give me much control of because its just says {$item.action_original_html|jrUrlScan_replace_urls}
which only shows the video player with videos.
Now I've been able to change what shows when a group is shared by using jrGroup_item_action_detail.tpl which overwrites orginal template but that doesn't seem to work with other modules
I'm using followme2 profile timeline
so the jrBlog_item_action_detail.tpl works also but the events and the discussions are using jrUrlScan_url_card.tpl which looks like a 404 not found template but I don't know what template it is looking for. so far it looks like audio videos youtube events and disussions don't use the item_action_detail.tpl when an item is shared and I need to fix it so they do
updated by @monee: 12/18/24 01:45:58PM