solved Purchased module not showing up correctly

3 months ago
18 posts
Hi there,

as I just went to install some module-updates on my JR-server I´ve realised there must be some sort of mismatch with those.

There have been three modules to update - two of those I could update through the web-interface but there is one module (Audio) shown as "purchase" only (which I have/is listed here under "purchases". I know I can download the module and update via ssh but maybe this can be fixed?

updated by @admin83512: 12/13/24 01:55:29PM
3 months ago
7,793 posts
If you're on jamroom hosting then all modules we make are free for as many sites as you care to build.

If you've moved from jamroom hosting to somewhere else then a license is required.

If you've purchase the jrAudio module but its coming up like you haven't, then check the marketplace ID in your ACP matches the account you used to purchase the module.

If all that is ok, run the INTEGRITY CHECK tool from the ACP, followed by the RESET CACHES tool and see if its ok then.
3 months ago
18 posts
If you've purchase the jrAudio module but its coming up like you haven't, then check the marketplace ID in your ACP matches the account you used to purchase the module.

That´s what I ment. ;) As I never had to look after: can you point me in the right direction where to lookup my ID in the ACP? I guess I´ve seen it but can not remember at all...

edit: just in case you need it: I´ve re-activated your user "".
updated by @admin83512: 12/12/24 04:11:11AM
3 months ago
7,793 posts
sure, its under the JAMROOM SITES tab in your ACCOUNT section, heres the link for you:

and you put it into your site in the MARKETPLACE section, heres a screenshot
id.jpg  •  224KB

place.jpg  •  311KB

updated by @michael: 12/12/24 04:13:12AM
3 months ago
18 posts
sure, its under the JAMROOM SITES tab in your ACCOUNT section, heres the link for you:

Oh, I see. I thought you would refering to my self hosted JR-instance. There I´ve been searching for my ID.

If I check over here everything seems to be fine. Email/domain match up - the ID in my instance match up with the one shown over here.
updated by @admin83512: 12/12/24 04:17:50AM
3 months ago
7,793 posts
if the MARKETPLACE id lines up with your account then you should be able to install it without it asking for payment, you already have that module. Try running the integrity check. If that still fails and you want me to login and take a look send some admin login details to support at jamroom dot net attn: michael along with a link to here.

im off to bed now, but will take a look tomorrow.
3 months ago
18 posts
Resetting the caches did it. But this might be related to updating the audio-module via ssh yesterday. So let´s forget about it atm and wait for the next module-update... ;)

Anyway: thanks mate.
updated by @admin83512: 12/12/24 04:22:35AM
