ProJam5 video page

3 months ago
86 posts
How can I list videos and youtube video together on video page like in the profile video list
3 months ago
86 posts
really I need to know if you can list uploaded videos and youtube videos together by category,
3 months ago
2,803 posts
You can use the jrCombinedVideo module to do that.


jrCombinedVideo Docs

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
3 months ago
86 posts
not really. there's no information on how to make this work
how do I make this list both. it doesn't work by changing jrVideo to jrCombinedVideo
{jrCore_list module="jrVideo" search="video_category = `$_post.category`" order_by="_created numerical_desc" pagebreak=30 page=$_post.p pager=true template="videos_row.tpl"}
updated by @monee: 12/04/24 03:18:07PM
3 months ago
7,793 posts
Should work. Did you run the INTEGRITY CHECK and the RESET CACHES tool. That should move the videos to a new url, something like 'uploaded_video'.

Also try making the most basic query to see if that works, then modify it.
{jrCore_list module="jrCombinedVideo"} 
3 months ago
86 posts
that doesn't pull up anything. I'm not working in a profile page. Does jrCombinedVideo work outside profile pages. I've used jrSeamless and it works but not this.
3 months ago
7,793 posts
I would expect it to work outside the profile page. Maybe add something to it, so

Create a template in your active skin called something unique, say 'avacardo'. that seam safe.

/skins/YOUR SKIN/avacardo.tpl

inside that put:
this is the avacardo template.<br>
{jrCore_list module="jrCombinedVideo" template="avacardo_video.tpl"} 
Then make another file called 'avacardo_video.tpl' and inside that put:
here I am in the avacardo video template

When you visit yoursite.tpl/avacardo you should see both of those lines of text. If you can then add {debug} to see what info you have.

Docs: debug

here I am in the avacardo video template

updated by @michael: 12/08/24 11:14:42PM
3 months ago
86 posts
I got this to work using jrSeamless. I don't know why but the jrCombinedVideo call doesn't show any thing for me.
3 months ago
96 posts
actually I'm having issues making it show the video menu in the profile list while logout, but it is only showing while logged int. I'm not sure what is missing, but I have checked most of settings and not lack. The item list combined works fine.
if user is logged

If user is logged in
logout.PNG  •  126KB

logedin.PNG  •  186KB

3 months ago
86 posts
when your logged out it only shows tabs that have items created. Logged in all tabs show. If that user doesn't have any videos uploaded the video tab won't show logged out.
2 months ago
96 posts
when your logged out it only shows tabs that have items created. Logged in all tabs show. If that user doesn't have any videos uploaded the video tab won't show logged out.

I know that part. The problem is that the videos tab is not showing even if the user have uploaded videos. As you can see listed on the videos list, but not in the user profile.
The only difference that I'm seen is that most users are just adding their video YouTube video channels. All the video from the user's channels do show in the combined videos list page, but the video tab and videos will not show on the user's profile.
2 months ago
86 posts
probably has to do with the users that just add their youtube channel and not importing them using create video. I see the video tab on other profiles so it might just be those users.
2 months ago
96 posts
It was working fine initially, but then it stopped working with new users and new systemofules updates. I just can't figure out what updates were that caused this problem. As stated, if the user uploads a new video or creates a new YouTube embedded video works fine and the video tab shows in the user profile. It only stops working if the user only enters the YouTube channel only, which is understandable the purpose for the YouTube channel input form. I'm not sure if I have to add any code at the backend of the YouTube channel imput form or what the solution may be :(
updated by @luis789: 12/19/24 06:44:52PM
2 months ago
7,793 posts
its an issue with the menu, check that that user has the video module enabled. check that the menu hasn't been customized to disable videos. The page itself is visible to logged out users, just there is no menu bar item while logged out.
see.jpg  •  400KB

2 months ago
96 posts
its an issue with the menu, check that that user has the video module enabled. check that the menu hasn't been customized to disable videos. The page itself is visible to logged out users, just there is no menu bar item while logged out.

Thank you Michael. The video and com combine video modules are enabled. When you mentioned menu. Are you referring to the menue.tpl? I think there are a few menues .tpl files and I'm not sure which one are you referring to.

This is what I found in the profile_header.tpl of beatslinger2 skin
<div class="table-cell">
                            {$menu_template = "profile_menu.tpl"}
                            {if jrCore_is_mobile_device() || jrCore_is_tablet_device()}
                                {$menu_template = "profile_menu_mobile.tpl"}
                            {jrProfile_menu template=$menu_template profile_quota_id=$profile_quota_id profile_url=$profile_url order="jrAction,jrBlog,jrCombinedAudio,jrAudio,jrCombinedVideo,jrVideo,jrGallery,jrGroup,jrEvent,jrYouTube,jrVimeo,jrFlickr"}
the profile_menu.tpl I think is the standard one. No custom changes were made to either of the profile menue or any .tpl menue
updated by @luis789: 12/20/24 09:00:27AM
2 months ago
7,793 posts
I would expect it not to be a template issue. First place I would look is login as a different non-admin user and look at that page and see if the menu item shows up. If it doesn't then it could be that the menu item is not registering that the profile has any content.

If you're looking at that menu as an admin you will always see all modules active even if they dont have content. Same for the profile owner. Regular users will only see the menu item to click on IF there is content for them to view.

So if its showing for a different non-owner of that profile who is a regular user then that's something to note and it should be easier to track down the cause knowing that.