Header from audio pro used on The Pro Jam

11 months ago
4 posts
I am trying to figure out what I am missing, CSS file, TPL file or need to change something to get this to work. I also found the mobile header does not work. I brought In CSS Header and TPL files. and this is as far as I got. 1 is my goal, 2 is what I have currently, three is what happens when you click on the "menu" text that appeared above the Menu. Mobile menu dose not work. also there no gap between the pages content and the header it is behind the header. any info will help. Thank you!
1.png  •  38KB

2.png  •  69KB

3.png  •  69KB

updated by @morebands: 07/17/24 04:51:59AM
11 months ago
4 posts
also I did clone the skin before making all my changes
11 months ago
7,793 posts
best idea is to copy the style, not the code. They're different skins with different css classes so you cant just grab a chunk of one skin's css and expect it to work on another skin.

Hit F12 on your keyboard, to bring up developer tools. Fiddle with the css of the elements you want to change, then add those rules in to the css file.
