convert executable wget

8 months ago
1,323 posts
With a fresh install convert executable and wget worked , after I dropped and imported the old database convert executable and wget is not working correctly..
This tells me it is not the server why they stop working using Plesx

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 05/29/24 12:50:27PM
8 months ago
7,713 posts
check out these docs:

Docs: how to use a different ffmpeg binary

It could be that you've setup your system to use a different wget location.
8 months ago
1,323 posts
it only work with new install .when I drop and import the database it stop working

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
8 months ago
7,713 posts
If you're dropping the database then importing a different database and its not working, then the problem is something in the different database.

An Integrity check might fix it but if it doesn't you're going to need to figure out what changed to be able to understand what is wrong then change it to what it should be.

Some sort of file compare tool might be able to help you with that.
8 months ago
1,323 posts
I did all of that and don't se any difference

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
8 months ago
7,713 posts
There's nothing else it could be. You have one state that works and another that doesn't. When you change from the working state to the not working state it stops working.

That means something in the non working state is stopping it from working. You need to locate what that is and change it to what the working state has it set to to make it work.
