Graphs in Jamroom

Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
We have a beautiful new skin and want to learn to use graphs in jamroom for it. Could you provide an example on how to use them. There just isn't much documentation on them available and it would be cool to add them to our panels. Thanks
updated by @developer-networks: 04/22/24 02:40:37PM
last year
7,793 posts
Here's the example from the "Daily Active Users" graph:
In the _init() function
    // Graph Support
    $_tmp = array(
        'title'    => 'Daily Active Users',
        'function' => 'jrUser_graph_daily_active_users',
        'group'    => 'admin'
    jrCore_register_module_feature('jrGraph', 'graph_config', 'jrUser', 'daily_active_users', $_tmp);
The title and the function are defined.

Then the structure for the data set is setup in that function:
 * Daily Active Users
 * @param $module string Module
 * @param $name string Name of Graph to create
 * @param $_args array Passed in Parameters
 * @return array
function jrUser_graph_daily_active_users($module, $name, $_args)
{ $dys = (int) $_args['days']; $old = (time() - ($dys * 86400)); $old = jrCore_format_time($old, false, '%Y%m%d'); return array( '_sets' => array( 0 => array( 'label' => "Daily Active Users", 'date_format' => '%m/%d/%Y', 'minTickSize' => "[1, 'day']", 'type' => 'line', 'pointRadius' => 3, '_data' => jrCore_get_graph_stat_values('jrUser', 'active_users', 'daily', $old) ) ) ); }

Then it can be turned on in the dashboard.

The graphing module is Flot, its docs are here
daily.jpg  •  23KB
