MAMP Setup

Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
I tried to set up a localhost development site using MAMP today for mac and it gives me an error while trying to create the initial admin account.

updated by @developer-networks: 04/12/24 06:50:54AM
last year
7,793 posts
Not sure what MAMP is but the error is correct "you have entered an invalid or reserved User Name". 'admin' is only allowed for the very first account. Try a different user name.
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
MAMP is a way to develop on a Mac and it runs apache, mysql, php and this error is happening on installation of Jamroom on a MAMP development environment.
updated by @developer-networks: 01/09/24 03:53:51PM
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
Anyone develop on mac?
last year
123 posts
I work on iMac. What kind of module are you hoping to develop?
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
Ive been working on a remote server and im trying to set up a localhost environment in jamroom.

Im working on my second API bridge here for Jamroom. I tried setting up a new local host environment on my mac using MAMP for the first time.

It was super easy to install and set up was fast... however after installing Jamroom to my localhost in MAMP It says this error.

"you have entered an invalid or reserved User Name" and jamroom goes nowhere....

I was thinking about dragging in sql from a live dev site to this localhost with the admin account already created as a work around, however I wanted to see if other developers had this problem with installing Jamroom to your localhost?

What APP are you using to develop on a Mac?

I could try XAMPP or AMPPS next I guess to see if this installation problem is consistent on other platforms. I figured id ask here to see if this bug was happening with others using a mac during a localhost install and if others were using MAMPS to develop with on mac?

updated by @developer-networks: 01/13/24 10:43:12AM
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
Also, Here is the php info MAMP provided me to work with.
PHPinfo.pdf  •  919KB
