Needed modules for "AudioPro 2" skin?

last year
18 posts
Hi there,

as hitting the "View Documentation"-button on the "AudioPro 2"-site results in a "OOPS... PAGE NOT FOUND":

This skin seems to be the best one for my site (a place for reggae/dub musicians/producers to share/showcase theier work and share knowledge) BUT which modules are necessary to be installed for "everything" to work properly? I guess ALL of them, right?

Or let me ask my question in a different way: which modules should be installed? I guess I should have taken the all-in-one package (premium licence) instead of "one module here, another module over there. :D
updated by @admin83512: 04/07/24 05:48:44AM
last year
7,799 posts
Our usual expectation is that new users will try out the Jamroom Hosting subscription free trial where all the modules and skins are available for as many sites as you care to build. Thats a good way to try out whats needed.

the "documentation" module would not be one I would think of as a required module for the AudoPro-2 skin. Required ones would be:
* jrAudio
* jrComment

If you wanted to sell stuff
* jrPayment

* jrVideo

If you wanted to have a support ticket system then:
* jrTicket

If you and your developers wanted a bug tracking system:
* jrTracker

If you wanted a chat system:
* jrChat

If you wanted a forum
* jrForum

The modules are mostly desiged to work with any system but a few of the skins customize the way the modules do things to meld them in better.
last year
18 posts
Thanks for clearing things up. So I know which modules to buy next/keep in mind. 👍🏻
