solved Site Builder button missing

Semi Palar
Semi Palar
2 years ago
31 posts
Hi everyone.
I was just making some adjustments to the widgets on a page, and after saving, the Site Builder button is gone. Can anybody help? Anything I can do to reverse it? Many thanks for any advice. Thank you.
updated by @semi-palar: 02/24/24 01:38:57PM
2 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah that does not sound right - are you sure you are on the same URL? If so, try resetting caches or logging out and back in again - as a master admin you should always see the button if you are on a site builder page.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
2 years ago
7,793 posts
The button can be turned off, make sure its enabled.

2 years ago
7,793 posts
You should be able to get back to any page via the ACP. The module has a page browser.


2 years ago
7,793 posts
ah, my guess is that you were adding code that broke javascript. check the source code of the page for errors then you may have to go into your database and remove the last widget created.
Semi Palar
Semi Palar
2 years ago
31 posts
Many thanks my friends. I will have a look and try the suggestions.
Have a great day. Greetings from Indonesia.
