A quick update to let everyone know that I've just uploaded Jamroom Core 7.0.0rc3 to the marketplace - I believe this will be the last release candidate before Jamroom 7 leaves beta.
Important! - The minimum PHP version has been upped to PHP 7.2. I've been trying to keep it at 7.1 but a number of 3rd party libraries we use are making that hard to do, so I've gone ahead and updated the minimum PHP version to 7.2. Most sites that are running a version of PHP 7 are on PHP 7.4, so I don't anticipate this causing any heartburn. Note that things could be fine on PHP 7.1 - I'm just no longer going to test with that version as the minimum, so FYI.
I've also pushed out a couple module updates to the JR7 beta channel:
- Email Support 2.5.0b1 - this has been updated to the latest SwiftMailer to support PHP 8.2+
- Geo Location 2.3.0b1 - this has been updated to support the MaxMind free GeoLite2 database and API
Let me know if anyone has any feedback or sees any issues.
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
updated by @brian: 11/04/23 11:19:21AM