solved adding a right side menu sidebar

2 years ago
346 posts

Hi guys,

I know it’s been a while, just hope everyone is good so far going into this year.

So, I’m looking to add a right sidebar menu possibly fixed that will display on both a desktop and tablet, not worried to much about it on mobile I can make an adjustment on that.

I know all these skins are base of being responsive, with the menu drop down menu stage on the top from the header.
Would like to try the menu sidebar on the right side of the page now.

I tried a few spot on the header file as per below sample which I kind of got from this link

Adding right side column to all pages

excuse the spaces and brackets in the div below,

div id=wrapper
div class= row
div class=col9

div id=content

div class=col3
my test file

still no luck with what I tried

updated by @boplive: 07/24/23 10:53:52PM
2 years ago
2,803 posts
Hello, using the grid setup for two columns should look more like this.

<div id="wrapper">

    <div id="content">

        <div class="container">

            <div class="row">

                <div class="col9">
                </div class="col3 last">





Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
2 years ago
346 posts
hi Douglass, I tried it but it didn't work, can you provide me with the function to wrap the code so you can see how I added it in the Beatslinger2 header.

Its been so long that I have posted here that I forgot what to wrap it with so it can display for you to see..i thought it was {literal} {/literal} to wrap everything
updated by @boplive: 04/14/23 08:56:28AM
2 years ago
346 posts
ahhh I think I got it too work (well still needs a little tweak and here and there l...i finally understood what you meant and setup the grid columns between both header.tpl and the beginning I was only placing in the header.tpl..and it wasn't working..thanks for the right direction...will keep you posted :)
lets go
2 years ago
118 posts
If you are looking for a fixed sidebar like these:

I use the followme skin, it should work in the beatslinger and audiopro skin also.

I tried to add the code but i cant add special characters.

But you can use the profile menu fixed code any where on the site

updated by @devcentricbeats: 04/18/23 01:32:27AM
2 years ago
346 posts
I'm gonna take a look at that setup of the profile menu fixed code as well.....thanks for the help
