solved Moving Genosis to new server

2 years ago
27 posts
Hi Guys
Anyone got any ideas how to do this sucessfully? We've tried and checked everything identical plus updated the config.php file with the correct host, user and password, BUT still getting a Forbidden 403 message for the fontpage and Internal Server Errors for any other.
Can only find one other reference to changing server on the Forum and that under Jamroom and refers to folders we dont have in Genosis!
updated by @arlomaniac: 04/09/23 05:45:15AM
2 years ago
7,794 posts
need to check the server's error log that "Internal Server Error" will be logged there, it will tell you what the problem is. Copy+paste the end of that here and we can help.

make sure your server has mod_rewrite on and there is a hidden .htaccess file in the root folder.
updated by @michael: 01/05/23 12:29:17PM
2 years ago
27 posts
Thanks Michael.
The .htaccess file is there in root.
The error logs below show "it's" looking for the index files in the root - but they aren't in the root in the original server installation. There's also no folder/file modules/jrCore/router.php BUT plenty of jrCore-release folders with the relevant index and router files.
Bill [Thu Jan 05 23:04:15 2023] [error] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /home/sites/10a/c/c22ddaf986/public_html/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html,index.php,sitemap.xml,modules/jrCore/router.php) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive [Fri Jan 06 12:02:02 2023] [error] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /home/sites/10a/c/c22ddaf986/public_html/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html,index.php,sitemap.xml,modules/jrCore/router.php) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive [Fri Jan 06 13:22:07 2023] [error] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /home/sites/10a/c/c22ddaf986/public_html/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html,index.php,sitemap.xml,modules/jrCore/router.php) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive
2 years ago
7,794 posts
AH!! your simlinks are gone.

Delete every copy of each file except for the latest so if you have

Delete 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 then rename 6.13 to just:

OR If you still have access to the old site then run the tool at ACP -> MODULES -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> TOOLS -> REBASE MODULES and it will do the same thing.

OR you could make the symlinks again from modules/jrCore to modules/jrCore-the-latest-version

When the marketplace updates a module it saves it to the file system then once its finished saving it updates the symlink. Doing it this way means there's no downtime for your users when modules are updated.
2 years ago
27 posts
Done that Michael and now getting :
This page isn’t is currently unable to handle this request.

All the other modules have got multiple releases - should I do the same for these as for jrCore?

2 years ago
27 posts
A little more info:
Our latest was jrCore-release-6.5.15 but when I looked this hadnt an index.php file! Having said that I've copied back in jrCore-release-6.5.10 and even with an index file still getting them same 500 message when renamed
2 years ago
27 posts
Further update.
Hi Michael, I managed to get the original genosis website working on the old server by allocating it to another domain and changing the config.php.
The only problem here to do the cleanup is I cant see ACP -> MODULES -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> TOOLS -> REBASE MODULES see attached
Tools.jpg  •  95KB

2 years ago
2,804 posts
Further update.
Hi Michael, I managed to get the original genosis website working on the old server by allocating it to another domain and changing the config.php.
The only problem here to do the cleanup is I cant see ACP -> MODULES -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> TOOLS -> REBASE MODULES see attached

There is an "Enable Reset Tool" checkbox in the ACP > Developer > Developer Tools > Global Config > Developer Settings tab.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
2 years ago
7,794 posts
yes, you want to do that with all the modules. and its OK to not have an index.php, Thats the new structure, instead you'll find a /views folder in the module.

Some index.php files were getting too big to work on so the individual views got moved each to their own file.
2 years ago
27 posts
Unfortunately not Douglas
Tried ticking the checkbox, adding my Jamroom ID and the prefix jr but the reset tools refuse to appear.
2 years ago
27 posts
Cheers Michael, Ill try that for all modules then.
Bill :)
2 years ago
7,794 posts
the other option is just to delete the /modules folder and then download the open source version from here:

and upload that. It would be the same as renaming all those files.
2 years ago
27 posts
If I delete the modules folder folder, what happens with the modules like jrFiles and jrGallery that are not in the zip above?
2 years ago
7,794 posts
reinstall them from the MARKETPLACE in the ACP after you've reinstalled. renaming is safer but slower. your call.
2 years ago
27 posts
Thanks Michael - the coin toss came down "try renaming first"!
2 years ago
27 posts
All renamed but that hasn't worked. Still just blank 500 pages. Will try option two later. And then if that still fails I try a cleanup of the original and try a second migration.
Any idea how I can get the reset tools to work Michael? (As per Douglas's posts)
Thanks for the help thus far - much appreciated.
2 years ago
27 posts
Reset Tools appeared this morning! Will let you know how I get in.
2 years ago
27 posts
Blow the trumpets! Success.
For those wanting to tansfer servers with Genosis, we did the following:

1. "Enable Reset Tool" checkbox in the ACP > Developer > Developer Tools > Global Config > Developer Settings tab. (Took a number of attempts)
2. Run the tool at ACP -> MODULES -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> TOOLS -> REBASE MODULES (Ignore warnings and if it finds any files that it cant delete, manually delete, and run again)
3. Create backup of original public_html folder and transfer and unpack on new server.
4. Backup original database and create new database/user on new server. Note db and user names and password,
5. Import backed up database into new database
6. In the folder public_html/data/config change the settings in the config.php file and save.
7. Test the website - hopefully success!

Thanks again to Michael and Douglas

updated by @arlomaniac: 01/08/23 06:12:50AM
2 years ago
7,794 posts
Thanks Bill for putting the solution into easy steps for the next guy. Thats awesome!
