New account appear with signups turned off

3 years ago
104 posts
I just found some new accounts (USERS)
Just wondering how this is possible because I have turned off user signups in all quotas?

updated by @emdiamond: 11/03/22 06:19:22AM
3 years ago
2,804 posts
I'm guessing the users were signed up before you turned off signups and then validated their account after?

Are there any activity logs about the signups?

I can see the signup is turned off on your site here ( )

So there should be no possible way for anyone to signup to your site.

I hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
3 years ago
104 posts
They were new sign ups. It may have been from the All in on social module. I just turns off the log in and sign up networks for that module. That may have been the way they signed in?
updated by @emdiamond: 08/04/22 11:07:31AM
