new jam room professional

3 years ago
2 posts

I just bought jam room and vip support for about $525 and what I really wanted was custom setup on hosting as I clicked on something in my cart not realising it was already there. I don't have a domain yet , but originally was going to pay for the $99 a month premium hosting - questions :

can you setup this and send me an IP ? [say five months in advance ?]

what issues do I need to resolve re purchasing a domain ?

Can you still do a custom bespoke site and could we possibly vary the $500 and negotiate this instead ?

updated by @rtut90210: 08/25/22 06:56:02PM
3 years ago
2 posts
right - never mind , I realise I need to do a support ticket on this I think though its probably 3 am there.ive bought jam room professional and now realised that I've bought an extra months vip support to the twelve included - no matter. I'm wondering which server anyone could recommend ? and how I can download the jam room for your professional installation ?

3 years ago
7,793 posts
If you're running on Jamroom Hosting, the stuff we provide, all the modules and skins made by us are included in the cost of the server to build as many sites as you like. So that's the recommended way to go.

The pro packages are for anyone who wants to run their own server for whatever reason. The usual reason is that they also want to run sites other than jamroom on the server. Jamroom hosting is just for jamroom.

To turn it on look on the HOSTING tab of your profile.
