Custom Video Tag Player

3 years ago
2 posts
Good day,
I can't for the life of me... figure out how to change the id="jp_video_0" in the video tag. Same with the id="jp_audio_0" in the audio tag. My first question is... Will replacing it effect the stats? Second question... How do I replace it?
updated by @yarnell: 08/10/22 04:20:32PM
3 years ago
7,793 posts
Not sure the location your talking about, got a URL?

Almost everything is controlled by a template (.tpl files). These are mostly in your skin /skins/(your skin)/*.tpl

In some instances these can be in modules like this /modules/jrVideo/templates/some_template.tpl you can over-ride that by copying it to your skin and giving it the name /skins/(your skin)/jrVideo_some_template.tpl Use that naming convention to over-ride module templates with the custom version in your skin. You can then adjust that however you like and it will survive an update to the module.

Then to locate which template is in use in a certain area of the system there's a developer tool at
ACP -> MODULES -> DEVELOPER -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> GLOBAL CONFIG -> Template names in source.

Enable that then look at the source code to find out what template is in use.
updated by @michael: 05/08/22 06:10:51PM
3 years ago
2 posts
hmm. I already know what template its in. my question is regarding the tag that is generated by jplayer. I will just ask the broader question i guess. I'd like to replace jplayer with how would I do that?
3 years ago
7,793 posts
There's two basic concept angles to come at it from:
1) include it as part of your skin.
2) create it as a stand alone module.

The first is probably simpler to get setup but not as flexible the second takes more effort to get setup but is much more reusable/distributable.

An example of it in a skin is: Take a look through the code base search for 'jrPost_video_action_player' You will find it in /skins/jrPost/include.php in the _init() function and also as a file in /skins/jrPost/jrPost_video_action_player.tpl

then in use like this
{jrCore_media_player type="jrPost_video_action_player" module="jrVideo" field="video_file" item_id=$item.action_item_id autoplay=false}
Thats an example of a skin over-ride of the player code with new player code.

(I haven't looked at this area in a few years)

The second method involves creating a module, i'll need to get refreshed on how this would work.
3 years ago
7,793 posts
Here's the start of a module to get plyr going. Their git code is in the /modules/jrPlyr/contrib/plyr-master folder.

The work player code needs to go into /modules/jrPlyr/templates/jrPlyr_video_player.tpl

You can see that player on the web at:

Where video_id=2 is a video that exists on your site somewhere. substitute 2 for whatever video actually exists.

That should get you going, if you need it more fleshed out we have the "Sponsor a module" system:

To reduce development costs to whoever wants stuff that also benefits the community. Maybe of interest, maybe not.
zip  •  385KB

updated by @michael: 05/10/22 10:43:12PM
