I'm getting ready to migrate my JR installation to another server. From the migration dept. I was told this:
"We just checked your site's data and you have 2 databases with over 1GB which is 14.1GB for user_jam5 and 3.1GB for user_jamroom.
As on these we are not so sure what is data related. Although seems can be removed but it is best you reduce the size of this database to avoid errors. "
I lowered the size on one database (reinaa_jam5, I deleted content inside table jr_jruser_session)
but for reinaa_jamroom I still have these:
jamroom_cache_rank - 1.5 GB
jamroom_chart_history - 500 MB
jamroom_chart_cache - 494 MB
1. Are these safe to empty?
2. Does JR uses 2 databases or one of them is old and is safe to discard? (I'm using JR since 2003!

updated by @andrusito: 07/12/22 10:24:33PM