Getting the best out of OneAll (social signin) - how?

3 years ago
694 posts
I have been using the OneAll plugin and a free OneAll account for a few years now, with minimally useful results because people join my network anonymously and remain anonymous, defeating the purpose of social interaction.

OneAll has a wide range of paid account plans, which seem to offer the possibility of pulling in profile information from users that join with OneAll.

My question is, do the functions of paid OneAll accounts transfer to a Jamroom network that uses the OneAll plugin? If so, which functions?

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 05/06/22 12:43:00PM
3 years ago
7,793 posts

and at other times you get even less information via oneall. Beacause with oneall its possible to create a jamroom account and NOT provide your email address. Which leaves you with the situation of the user can login but you cant send them emails.

One way I've tried to force more stable type account info was to ONLY allow facebook sign on, no email signup at all. That way if someone wants to spam my site they have to first create a facebook account.

Its not perfect because a lot of people wont have facebook accounts and will complain. But it does cut down on spammer accounts.
3 years ago
694 posts

It seems Oneall can extract (public?) profile data from the home accounts of Oneall users, and show this to site owners (who pay for it), but passing the information directly to another site for public view may be legally difficult....or not?

So long as users can see what is happening it should be OK, unless other networks claim profile data as property!

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
3 years ago
7,793 posts
Before one all we did build a facebook login module that allowed users to login to jamroom with their facebook login details.

The way it worked was
* the user clicks on the button to login on the jamroom site
* that click fires the facebook API.
* the facebook API contacts jamroom and says here is the info you asked for about the user
* we'd then store whatever they gave us in the database

What they gave us was not the same every time.

It was hard trying to keep up with the changes in the Facebook API so we connected to OneAll instead. Let them figure it out.

Now we say:
* Hey Oneall, can this user log in?
* Yes
* then they are logged in.

Facebook does whats good for facebook, making sure your data is ok is not high on their priority list. annoying but something we just need to live with.
3 years ago
694 posts
1. Can we set up a JR site to recognise the first login by a Oneall user and send that person a welcome message that tells them how to access their account settings to set up their local (i.e. on my site) profile page?

2. Will they actually see the same profile form in the account settings as members who join the same signup quota directly through my JR site?

Form fields are displayed to users according to their quota/usergroup designation, but I don't know if that display function works when the login route is different.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
3 years ago
7,793 posts
right now there is no built in functionality that sends out a "Welcome" email. You could use the Newsletter system with a filter of when they logged in, but that would mean doing it each time someone signs up. Maybe the "Email Course" module could do it for you.

The intention of that module is to send out periodic emails based on an event at X days interval after the event.

Marketplace: Email Course

I haven't used it in a while but think it was configurable to start when someone signs up.