Activity on profile page

4 years ago
558 posts
I’ve disabled the Timeline - which showed the site activity on the index page. How can I show user activity on profile pages? I see there is an area for it on the Profile page.
updated by @isleander: 04/01/22 03:45:07AM
4 years ago
7,794 posts
That's the Timeline module.

If you disabled the Timeline module so that the site-wide timeline would not show, and that's the goal, but you still want it on the profiles, what you need to do instead of disabling it is to leave it on but change the Timeline modules index.tpl template to change what it shows or remove links to it if you dont want people going there.

By disabling links to it it still exists but there is no click traffic there.


We have the timeline module enabled but no links to it. If we linked to it from somewhere and wanted people to use it we'd clean up the design. But for us the Forums are more central than the Timeline for this style of site.
4 years ago
558 posts
Thank you Michael -
I can’t understand why the module for activity shows on a profile page when the timeline is not active. It seems illogical.
Neither do I understand why all the other modules cannot be seen (on profiles) when the timeline is active on profiles. It seems to be all or nothing.
It would be a tremendous help if both the timeline and the modules could appear on profiles. See image.
4 years ago
7,794 posts
True. If it was a system where you couldn't adjust the template then making it function like that would make sense. In this case that particular skin didn't take into account that you might turn the module off so it didn't add extra functionality to check whether to display that area or not.

So in this case you'll need to adjust the template to get rid of it. Whats the URL, I can take a look at what its at now and give some steps to get rid of it.
4 years ago
558 posts
Is it not possible to integrate the Timeline into the Profile and still have the other modules present on the Profile page?
The access criterion should be as previous.
The timeline is currently active.
profiles.png  •  1.1MB

updated by @isleander: 12/31/21 04:38:49AM
4 years ago
7,794 posts
Im not seeing that at the url or on a profile. Also I do not keep credentials. Hopefully you change them any time after you've let someone login and they've finished whatever they were supposed to do. Helps with security and means less places to look if something changes unexpectedly.

Probably the easiest thing to do is install the Profile Tweaks module and set the profile default page to be one of the module pages that your profiles are using.
profile.png  •  76KB