Adjusting forum/activity page?

4 years ago
3,603 posts
As you can see from this sample page (flagged by google for not being mobile friendly):
...I currently have things showing all the way back to god knows what date (note that the paginator does not work, there at the bottom)

I'd like to limit this forum discussion activity page to perhaps show only the past two years' worth of a member's forum discussion activity. Am I not understanding how this page works?- is it possible to limit what the page shows while not removing the actual forum discussions it references? I know it's not a 'page' that members would typically be looking at, but google certainly sees it.
It seems excessive to show a member's forum activity going back many years. But maybe it just shows it all because the discussions exist, thus no way to set time or post number limits of what shows on the particular member's forum/activity page? Does it actually NEED to show all existing data going waaaaay back in time?

I'm using a ninja custom clone skin, if that helps.
Not sure where I can adjust the setting for this, much less if it's even do-able.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 01/02/22 09:17:56AM
4 years ago
7,794 posts
The URL for that page has some html stuff in it, it looks a bit strange. (screenshot)

The same url without that stuff works too, its:

It should be the jrAction_item_index.tpl file that controls that page, it doesn't seem like it is on your site though.

The list should be being generated by a call like this:
 {jrCore_list module="jrAction" profile_id=$_profile_id order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak="12" page="1" pager=true}

and the solution to limiting is to change 'pagebreak' to 'simplepagebreak' then add 'limt=100':
 {jrCore_list ........... simplepagebreak="12" page="1" pager=true limit=100}

In order to figure out which template you need to adjust you can turn on "Template names in source" from:

That will show up in the source code to the page. This should be done at a quiet time of day for the site.

I tried to adjust the jrAction_item_index.tpl on your skin but its not that template. First step is to figure out which template controls that page.
weird.jpg  •  1MB

4 years ago
3,603 posts
Ok I will turn on that template name in source on Sunday morning (tomorrow morning) then.
This stuff is so far beyond me but i will try!

(Edit- i removed some stuff about adjusting font size on my one site- found out it was just a browser magnifying adjustment issue...sorry)

Will do the template name thing tomorrow and report back here. Thanks.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 10/02/21 06:17:20PM
4 years ago
3,603 posts
Michael, I changed to show the templates in the page's source code.
The code for that page is mighty long so i didn't post it here, but these are the lines that contain .tpl references... can you perhaps suggest which template might be the one to dig into from this? --btw I don't see any tpl references that contain 'action' in them.(I'm pretty sure it would not be the 'footer' tpl...lolol):
line 4:  <!-- BEGIN mdFOTMD_June15_2020/header.tpl -->
line 6:  <!-- BEGIN mdFOTMD_June15_2020/meta.tpl -->
line 38:  <!-- END mdFOTMD_June15_2020/meta.tpl -->
line 51:  <!-- BEGIN mdFOTMD_June15_2020/header_menu_desktop.tpl -->
line 133:  <!-- BEGIN mdFOTMD_June15_2020/menu.tpl -->
line 146:  <!-- END mdFOTMD_June15_2020/menu.tpl -->
line 181:  <!-- END mdFOTMD_June15_2020/header_menu_desktop.tpl -->
line 198:         <!-- end header.tpl -->
line 199:  <!-- END mdFOTMD_June15_2020/header.tpl -->
line 1549:  <!-- BEGIN mdFOTMD_June15_2020/footer.tpl -->
line 1793:  <!-- END mdFOTMD_June15_2020/footer.tpl -->

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 10/03/21 09:21:24AM
4 years ago
2,804 posts
The list is to show all posts made by that user.

The template for that list is the jrForum/templates/activity.tpl and the page break is controlled by the page break set in your ACP > Profiles > Forum > Global Config > Page Settings > Topics Per Index Page ( /admin/global/section=page+settings )

The pagination that was messed up on your site was due to an outdated jrCore_list_pager.tpl in your skin directory, I've updated it in your ACP > Skins > Template section. ( /core/skin_admin/templates/skin=mdFOTMD_June15_2020 )

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
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