solved Discussion Forum

Semi Palar
Semi Palar
4 years ago
31 posts

The comment module on Groups doesn't work.

We created discussion forum, but no one can comment on it.

(The Comment Wall also doesn't work.)

Thank you so much.
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updated by @semi-palar: 12/10/21 09:43:21PM
4 years ago
4,335 posts
I responded to the ticket you raised about this issue asking for the site’s admin login.
Respond there with the login and we’ll take a look.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Semi Palar
Semi Palar
4 years ago
31 posts
Thank you for your reply, Paul. But I can no longer access the ticket. Maybe because our 30 day free VIP support has ended.
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4 years ago
7,794 posts
You still should have got an email with the contents in it. You can reply to that and it will arrive at a place where the whole team can view it.

So send the admin login details to support at jamroom dot net from your s************** account and we can move forward from there.
Semi Palar
Semi Palar
4 years ago
31 posts
Oh okay, Michael. I will tell the person who has the email to do that. Thank you so much.
4 years ago
2,804 posts

This is working now!

The Comment module was not set to allow your quota to use it, I changed it for you and the comment textarea is now showing.

That setting is in your ACP > Item Features > Comments > Quota Config


The "Semi Palar" quota was set to not allow the use of the Comment module.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos

updated by @douglas: 09/11/21 08:56:39AM
Semi Palar
Semi Palar
4 years ago
31 posts
Thank you, Douglas. Much appreciated. 🙏
