How do I remove old Proxima licenses

4 years ago
53 posts
Hello guys,

I have a question, if a particular license is active on a domain how do we remove the license when the module is no longer available on jr marketplace? In my case, I have proxima licenses attached to my domain but I no longer have the modules installed. I tried removing them from my licenses section here but I get invalid license error.

Also, my jr is also saying in the system check that memcache is not active. To my understanding, that is a function that is associated with proxima but I don’t have any of those installed. Is there a way that I can stop my jr from displaying memcache (ACPu functions) not active in system check? Granted, It’s not affecting my site as I’m using redis for cache
updated by @trickyricky: 11/28/21 06:20:03AM
4 years ago
7,794 posts
go to your profile here on jamroom, then click on your icon to get to account settings, then change to the JAMROOM SITES tab then on VIEW LICENSES.

In there you'll see proxima and you can click RELEASE LICENSE.

If you have any trouble I can do it for you.
view_licenses.jpg  •  726KB

updated by @michael: 08/28/21 02:20:22PM
4 years ago
7,794 posts
The memcache one is a server operation. Ask you hosing company how to enable it, that would get rid of the warning.
