Completely revamping our forum categories - any easy way to "move" forum threads?

ABCD in Action
4 years ago
61 posts
As part of our site redesign, we're revamping our forum categories (so excited we're doing this! they've gotten way out of control). My question is that, since we'll obviously need to "move" discussion threads from the current categories, is there any easy way to move them other than open-each-thread-one-by-one-click-on-edit-change-the-category-and-save?

Thank you.
updated by @abcd-in-action: 10/11/21 07:25:41AM
4 years ago
2,804 posts
You can use the jrBatchEdit module.


Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
ABCD in Action
4 years ago
61 posts
Thank you, Douglas. I'll check that out.

ABCD in Action
4 years ago
61 posts
Ok, I have a few more questions... I've installed Batch Item Editor and activated it. Then I opened up the forum module, clicked on tools, and found the batch item editor there. Opened that up, clicked on forum_cat, and then searched for a particular category of the forum (which I found) and now I'm not sure what to do to move all those posts (2 of them in this case) to a different category. See the attached screenshots to see where I am with this. I'm guessing I click in those little boxes to the right of each row I want to move. But then what? I don't want to delete them, so I won't click the delete button.

thank you.
ABCD in Action
4 years ago
61 posts
Nvr mind... figured it out. thanks!
