For example, if you go to my moderator Dusty's SC page:
and try to add his 6 month old SC clip "One Wife is Enough For Me"... it will load fine. But trying the same with his two most recent clips (both created less than 2 weeks ago), and you will get the JR error message.
My site is up to date and the integrity check of all SC clips has been run, and System Check is all green light and my SC API that has always worked is still in place.
I don't have SC clips that I can run tests with, but Dusty graciously told me i could test all I like with his SC clips... and I get the same results that he is getting- his SC clips created over the past two or three weeks will give the error message and won't be added to my site.
The same is true of my moderator Robin Thompson:
Her "Road to Beech Grove" from a month ago and all earlier clips load fine on my site, but her 3 more recent clips give the JR error message.
This would be a significant loss, as many of my active members use SC to add music to my site.
BTW, while testing, I realized that a member cannot load a SC clip twice- JR will d=correctly identify it as a duplicate and prevent it... however if Dusty loads his SC clip, I can also load the same clip- JR will see the two as not duplicates simply because two different members added the same clip. No problem with that, it just helps to know it while testing this.

Hopefully this is a fixable issue and not one that signifies the Death of SoundCloud for my site!
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 07/06/21 02:34:06AM