solved installed and now can't view my profile

Dean Venier
Dean Venier
4 years ago
108 posts
can't seem to view my profile, on my index page
updated by @dean-venier: 06/21/21 08:11:55AM
4 years ago
7,794 posts
There's a list of profiles on your system here:

Clicking the one that is listed there does take me to a profile.
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
4 years ago
108 posts
so if go to my index page, the artwork with my profile stuff doesn't show up, unless i'm logged in

so, what it's doing is has the profile stuff off with an off feature, unless logged in

then the other widgets show up

yet those widgets don't show up, if they have my you tube art or my music

unless i'm logged in, then it shows the whole index page
updated by @dean-venier: 03/21/21 10:46:51PM
4 years ago
4,335 posts
Check that your profile privacy option is set to ‘public’?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
4 years ago
108 posts
where is that listed one listed, i've got a few of them all listed to global

and the other thing is, just turning the .org on, going live, shortly

as a .org

so that might take a bit
updated by @dean-venier: 03/22/21 12:38:58AM
4 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: where is that listed

Its in the account settings page.

Also, if you have used SiteBuilder, check that the Widget Content options allow the widget to be viewed by all users.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
4 years ago
7,794 posts
Doesn't look like your profile is set to private as I can see it in the list of profiles and can visit it here:

Can't see the sections that you say can't be seen when logged out but I'm logged out so I wouldn't.

Looks like your .org is working, I can see the site on that domain now, well done.
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
4 years ago
108 posts
thanks for the compliment, on the site

it turns out the main page is working now

the widget, was set to, the wrong group of viewers

so parts of it wouldn't show up

yet it's working now
4 years ago
4,335 posts
That's good - Marking this thread as solved

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
