Dean Venier
Dean Venier
4 years ago
108 posts
so why after setup jamroom hosting again

setup a new server

then it tells me it installs, and then theres no site builder

at the url
updated by @dean-venier: 06/22/21 10:54:50PM
4 years ago
7,794 posts
The first step after install is to create an account.

The first account created will be the admin account.

You can install modules via the ACP (Admin Control Panel)
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
4 years ago
108 posts
i can't seem to get it to install
4 years ago
7,794 posts
You've created 2 servers, delete one.

This is the dashboard for your first server:

You can see the site is active on your secondary domain here:

Once you update your NAME SERVERS at whereever you have your domain name registered then the primary domain can be activated. Until then use the secondary one.

The first account you create is the admin account, go create that now.

Docs are here:
