solved Solaris scripts no longer supported on Strato servers

Petra Landgraf
4 years ago
10 posts
Today I received an Email from Strato with the following announcement:
On 07-04-2021 an update of our hosting platform will take place. As a result, support for Solaris scripts ends.
This has an effect on, among other things:
/ family tree / modules / jrSystemTools / tools / convert
/ family tree / modules / jrSystemTools / tools / epeg
/ family tree / modules / jrSystemTools / tools / ffmpeg
/ family tree / modules / jrSystemTools / tools / id3v2
/ family tree / modules / jrSystemTools / tools / jpegoptim
/ family tree / modules / jrSystemTools / tools / sox
/ family tree / modules / jrSystemTools / tools / wget

Is this known? and what can I do about it?

updated by @petra-landgraf: 06/11/21 08:26:33PM
4 years ago
7,794 posts
if your host has made some changes that make it so the binaries that we supply dont work, presumably they have binaries that DO work. So what you can do is tell jamroom to use the servers binaries instead of its own, here's some docs:

Docs: "Howto use a different ffmpeg binary"

You'd need to ask your host the paths needed.
updated by @michael: 03/10/21 06:10:44AM
Petra Landgraf
4 years ago
10 posts
Hmm, that's not the answer I hoped for. I emailed the Strato helpdesk. Let's wait and see what that yields. To be continued....
4 years ago
7,794 posts
It sounds like they're limiting your services. if you're using Genosis to make a faimily tree system then its quite possible you're not using most of those.
Petra Landgraf
4 years ago
10 posts
I got the following answer from Strato: "Solaris is converted to Linux servers. The difference is hardly noticeable and will not have any negative consequences for your package as far as I can see. So you do not have to be afraid of this change."
4 years ago
7,794 posts
Hey, that's good.
