It's completely not understandable for me, why you change GREAT JR4 to JR5/JR6 which is for all and no one . Or maybe I'm wrong? If yes - please tell me, if it's possible to find in JR6:
- action module which stores every stream, download for each user. WHY in JR6 I can't check who download or stream each file?! In social-media times where EVERY move is logged in each site?!
- statistics module - People can't get for example information about their files and statistics
... and many more. JR6 is really worse offer than JR4, on which I made musicbox website, which was so cool in this times.
Now I need JR to offer something like newsroom for media users for my label, and unfortunately - I need to use JR4 for this, because in JR6 I can't show this what I need.
It's really strange move from your team, JR Team. Hope you read it and tell me something about future for JR. It's 2021. Why there aren't any cool themes. Sorry, this what's available in Premium pack was great in 2010, but not now! Is this script abondoned?
updated by @piteridrecords: 06/27/21 05:54:20AM