What's The Function? How to check if page is index

4 years ago
10 posts
I want to display something on all pages except the home page.

{if !jrCore_is_index()}
do something


what's the function I'm looking for?

updated by @speedbunny: 05/09/21 01:12:29PM
4 years ago
10 posts
Figure I can use

{if $page_template ne "index"}
do something

but if there is a dedicated function, I've forgotten it!
4 years ago
7,794 posts
There isn't.

add {debug} into the template you're wanting to use it in and see what variables you have available. MAYBE there is something like template name 'index' or something like that that only shows up on the index page.

There could be something useful in the $_post array because that contains all the info coming from the address bar, so maybe something from there. I think it usually has a $_post['url'] or $_post['uri'] variable in it which could work.

Last idea is to define a variable on the index page:
{$my_variable = 'index'}
then check against that variable lower down in the more internal pages.
4 years ago
4,335 posts
I'd probably use the $_post array variable for this -

{if !isset($_post.module)}
Do Something


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
