emails not sending

5 years ago
2 posts
can someone please help me, I have several jamroom sites and none of them are sending out emails, notifications, newletters, email courses etc,, can someone tech assist me and walk me thru or remote tech support me, I will pay your fee. please help me
updated by @robinlynnes-podcast-network: 03/22/21 12:43:41PM
5 years ago
7,794 posts
You have your own mailgun key set. A few months back mailgun disabled their free tier. So in an effort to prevent everyone on our hosting to have to pay the about $30/month to use mailgun, we've setup an account that Jamroom Hosting customers can use.

Currently you're not using that. If you would like to use that I can remove the mailgun key from your server then you will need to delete your mailgun account or at least remove any references to your domains from mailgun (because the same domain cant be on 2 accounts over there.)

Once thats done your mail will go through the Jamroom Hosting accounts mailgun account.

If you send a TON of email or want to have your own mail gun account then get the API key from mailgun and send it to support at jamroom dot net along with a link to this thread and we'll get it installed on your server.

The one that is there now is prefixed with 'sandbox.....' which is probably the reason emails aren't working.