Conversion Worker

5 years ago
129 posts
I have two server one is production and second one is conversion server.

I want to setup video conversion process on second server. I have installed cloud conversion worker module on second server but conversion is processed on production not on conversion server.

Can you please describe the process ?
updated by @sbhadauria: 03/31/21 07:20:56PM
5 years ago
129 posts
waiting for response..
5 years ago
129 posts
@paul @michael can you help us
updated by @sbhadauria: 12/28/20 07:02:51AM
5 years ago
7,794 posts
The Cloud modules have all been removed from the marketplace a while ago.

We do still have them but since the setup is more complex than just turning on the module they just get used on projects where we're doing the development.

If you downloaded them a while a ago then sure, use them but the specifics of setup would need to be analyzed in order to get working.

The basics concept is:
* jamroom on both servers
* connected via the cloud moudle

Since the modules are no longer in the marketplace its quite probable that the ones you have are older versions of the modules.

What is the name of the modules that you are trying to use?
5 years ago
129 posts
@michael Thanks for your response!

I have these modules:

- Cron Server
- Conversion server
- Conversion worker

I have two server one is my website and another one is conversion server for file conversion. I have installed jamroom on both server. But I am bit confused.

which modules should be active on both server? And how server will communicate?
updated by @sbhadauria: 12/29/20 07:14:59AM
5 years ago
10,149 posts
It's been a really long time since I've looked at these modules - I believe you want the cron server on your master server and the conversion server and worker on the conversion server. I no longer have these installed anywhere nor test with them in any way so support for these is going to be super limited. Sorry about that.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
