Dean Venier
Dean Venier
5 years ago
108 posts
so far after the install

haven't been able to, get stream pay to

get a payment from the listener or viewer, for, playing a stream, off my server
updated by @dean-venier: 01/19/21 05:21:56AM
5 years ago
7,799 posts
The docs are here:

Docs: "Stream Pay"

What part is unclear? or where did you get up to when the docs stopped being helpful? Thanks.
5 years ago
4,335 posts
As the docs state, this module effectively pays users who’s songs have been streamed. From the wording of your post I think you want users to pay you to stream songs. To do this, you need to disable streaming to non logged in users and users in the signup quota(s), then set up a paid subscription to a quota that allows songs to be streamed.
Hope that helps.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
5 years ago
108 posts
still haven't got it to pay for a stream

yet, thing is, I've got lotsa of you tube vids, that I've done

and, I'd rather get paid as an artist for streams by the listener or viewer

so, that's my idea of stream pay

getting paid as an artist, for a stream, by the listener or viewer

stream pay, for an artist, getting paid from a listener or viewer
updated by @dean-venier: 10/17/20 06:00:08PM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Are you wanting to build a site just to sell streaming to your videos? Or is it for anybody to signup and sell streaming?
Either way, you are going to have to sell subscriptions to a quota that allows streaming to collect payments, and then, if its just your videos, keep the money, or if its many users, periodically distribute user payments based on the credit they get via the Stream Pay module. With Jamroom, you cannot collect payments, in real time, per individual stream.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist

updated by @paul: 10/18/20 02:58:52AM
5 years ago
7,799 posts
Stream Pay:
* You install the module on your site.
* You want (me/someone) to upload videos to your site, so you offer to pay (me/someone) 1cent per stream, or whatever.
* I upload the a video.
* 10 other people come to your site to watch my video, you pay me for every time they watch.

What it is not:
* you upload your video to your site
* I come and watch that video
* you get paid.
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
5 years ago
108 posts
yes, i'm more in the situation, where, i'd rather get paid per stream

as an artist, where can bill the listener or viewer, for a stream

guess have to go with a tips button, or donations button
updated by @dean-venier: 10/20/20 08:33:51AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
5 years ago
108 posts

so, i guess to put a price on a stream

is really going to be what the stream is used for, and how many people

and the type of function, it is

so, really the stream price be varied

so, my old server could do that,, didn't have to upgrade

could just have a tips button or donations button

can't really come up with a price for a stream

unless know what it's used for, and how many people

i've had people use a you tube view,, for a thousand people before

so be nice to bill the listener or viewer for a stream

yet each stream price probably vary, from one usage to another

yet at the same time,, can rent a movie with cable
updated by @dean-venier: 10/20/20 09:05:26AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
5 years ago
108 posts
be nice if could have music rentals, with the server

they seem to be able to rent movies, with cable networks
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
5 years ago
108 posts
i make music, and it's not free, yet a lot of people think it is
5 years ago
7,799 posts
In that case what you'd have to do is setup some way to get the money from the viewer to you (The site owner). Then you, as the site owner could pay that out to the owners of the music that has been played/listened to.

The stream pay module is the second part of that equation.

So if you setup a system where users of your site could view 100 videos per month if they paid $20/month then that would provide the money to pay your artists. You could then set the per stream payout to $0.20.

Then set the view limit on the quota to 100/month. And you have your system.

Only users who pay the $20 per month will be able to login and listen to music. Artists will get paid when their music is played.
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Just to add to Michael's post above, the 'Play Control' module is what is needed to limit 'Plays per Month' -

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
