Profile admin

5 years ago
1,354 posts
Profile admin gets pivalate error they were trying to edit a comment or approve them
PA.jpeg  •  65KB

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 11/28/20 09:58:04PM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
As always, the more information we have the better we can help.

Who is the profile admin?
What action were they trying to do?
On which other profile were they trying to do that action on?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
1,354 posts
was trying to approve comments and edit them .

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
5 years ago
1,354 posts
It would be good to have JR master admin set the permission / privileges of users in a quota or admins I.e. download , edit, , create profiles .

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Not seeing an issue. I set my test account on your site (paultest) to be a Profile Admin, logged in as such and accepted and edited the latest pending comment.
Make sure your profile lioness-izasha is a Profile Admin and that she is logged into that account. If so, is she consistently getting this error or was it a one-off? Which comment was she trying to approve/edit?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
