completed Thank you to the Jamroom Team

5 years ago
3,603 posts
I just wanted publicly give a big THANK YOU to Brian, Michael, Paul, Douglas, and Nate - the Jamroom support and development team.

Truly there are precious few software support teams in the world who can compare in terms of providing FAST and cheerful support when we need it. No matter what our site or server issues, they are always quick to help solve, even suggesting things to try when the issue is not due to Jamroom's platform. They are also extremely patient with their clients, who can at times be frustrating or not code savvy (me!).

Now more than ever during the Covid pandemic, it's become vital to connect online through sites and networks.
My network is for people who play the mountain dulcimer, a somewhat obscure folk musical instrument. I want the Jamroom team to know that I get messages every week from my network members expressing to me what a Godsend my network is in their lives. Many of my members are seniors who play music at home, who are no longer able to go out during the pandemic and connect with friends in person. I have hundreds of members whom I know are isolated at home or disabled in some way. Being able to make music friends to share with on my site means EVERYTHING to some of these people - it's really why I have run my site for 11 years (it pays for itself through donations but makes no profit to speak of).

I want the Jamroom Team to know how their tireless work brings joy and lifts up the lives of hundreds of people in need. I see the love every day on my site and my members tell me how much it means to them, how it's a true lifeline for them.

We see all the daily posts on this support forum about how this or that is not working, and how to pinpoint a problem or create some site effect.
But it's good to be reminded that it's not just about fixing codes and templates or maintaining servers.... it's about real people's lives and quality of life as well. And Jamroom has always come through and made it possible for my thousands of members to have friends and music in their lives, particularly those who are isolated at home with few friends or contacts. My music network is able to bring some enjoyment and friendship to these people - and the Jamroom Team has played a HUGE part in making that possible.

My heartfelt THANK YOU and my deep appreciation for what you guys do every single day, year in and year out. Lisa

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 11/20/20 12:55:03PM
5 years ago
7,794 posts
Wow that's a really nice thing to say, thank you strumelia. :).

Not sure how to mark this one as 'solved'. :) Made me feel happy. Thanks.
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Thanks Lisa - That's really good of you to say this, and we're so pleased to be helping out in whatever way possible in these strange times :-)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
2,804 posts
Thanks Lisa! Really appreciate it. ;)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
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