Item Feature Not Responding

5 years ago
230 posts
We have changed our site name and got most things working except the Item features (screenshot marked). The Like buttons not working (had issues before), Share, Tags and Ratings. We're using Elastic2 as Main Skin with Followme as a custom skin choice. Our New Url is Thank You
updated by @annush: 11/10/20 02:16:04PM
5 years ago
7,794 posts
open the browsers web developer console and check the CONSOLE tab for errors.
console.jpg  •  1.8MB

5 years ago
230 posts
Hi @michael - I had a look, lots of faults - how does one 'fix' these faulty red lines? I've done the cache on the browsers but it's still the same.
Items Faults-Jam.jpg
Items Faults-Jam.jpg  •  209KB

Items Faults-Jam2.jpg
Items Faults-Jam2.jpg  •  180KB

updated by @annush: 08/09/20 02:24:38AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Try it now.
I deleted all your cache files by hand and it seems to have fixed the issues, including all the CORS javascript errors.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
230 posts
@paul Just the 'counts' on the 'share' & 'comments' don't come up, but in general it's come back to life again! Thank You - Much Respect from us, Kim & Anna
updated by @annush: 08/10/20 08:06:13AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Can you point me to an item that has comments and shares where the counts are not showing?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
230 posts
This is the page (Home) You should have the Us & Pass. The Like button seems ok and the counts work. The Deslike button has a 1 count but when I Click on the 1 it brings up another window (pop-up) that has no info. The Share buttons don't show a number of shares and the comments show the number on the Post page but not on the Home/Timeline page.
This is the post page
Thank You
5 years ago
2,804 posts
I think part of the issue here is that Elastic2 and FollowMe are not compatible skins, meaning they may not work well together.

Try using just one of the skins and see if your issues are still there.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
5 years ago
230 posts
Hi Jam Team @douglas @paul @michael all of you Dudes. We thank you and are very grateful for your time spent on us. It's the 1st time since 2014 that we've finally found everything we need for our platform after so many try-outs. That's the Main Front of Elastic2 and FollowMe skin. It's a shame if they're not compatible and above all it's a 'pain' that the option is there and it doesn't seem to function.
It's so difficult to chose as I've tried them all. All the skins have some limitations to others but guys, these two have it all. If they are not compatible the choice ought not be there. It's only the 'counter' with Items that's playing up - the rest is fine.
Please Take 5' and give it another look. We're not in a hurry.
Kim and Anna
Thank You.jpg
Thank You.jpg  •  29KB

5 years ago
7,794 posts
Nate's got a bit of time available:

Forum: "Need some custom work?"

If you need those two skins functionalities merged, he'll be able to do it.

What jamroom is is a platform for building stuff on, the skins are things that have been built. Just like you can build a boat with wood and you can build a plane with wood, that doesn't mean a wooden aircraft wing will attach to a boat, you need a builder.
5 years ago
230 posts
@michael Thank you for your comparison, but in due honesty we never actually in the 6/7yrs being with Jamroom, have had one good sentence from you. If we must play the 'clever' game, you say " Just like you can build a boat with wood and you can build a plane with wood, that doesn't mean a wooden aircraft wing will attach to a boat,", ....although logical, it was uncalled for. We've said nothing to merit such a reply. Our previous post was of 'praise' to the Team and only asked to, perhaps, in time, take another look.
So @michael, why then are there 'options' to offer our users if they're not compatible? We used this option as it is available. If it doesn't work, take it away. You could have replied in a nicer way. Please do not answer anymore of our queries. We have enough 'negativeness' on the Planet.
Thank you.
5 years ago
7,794 posts
It was an analogy in response to "...If they are not compatible the choice ought not be there...." it was not meant to be cleaver, just an explanation as to why all things from all skins do not work everywhere.
5 years ago
230 posts
" all things from all skins do not work everywhere", Now I understand. Thank you.
