solved Search not working after update

5 years ago
334 posts
I just updated the Search module to 2.2.1
The search of the whole site is fine, but using the Search box on the Images Gallery has no effect.

Enter search term into search box on Images tab. Enter.
No response. The search term remains in the box and is validated for spelling, but that's all that happens.

On PMP-art, we do have a customised Image Gallery with option tabs for "All", "Artwork" and "Reference", as well as "Most Viewed" and "Items you like".
Currently the Search is not operating on any of these tabs ('Items You Like' doesn't have a search facility).
updated by @lornawebber: 08/26/20 02:09:44AM
5 years ago
10,149 posts
This just needed a cache reset - it's working.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
5 years ago
334 posts
Thanks Brian. Apologies. I should have tried that first.
