solved Invalid Access Key

5 years ago
27 posts
Hi Guys
All users are having the same problem with embedding images in to Stories through the Upload Image option.
We are getting the message "Invalid Access Key"
We have a long work round for this by adding the pictures to the profiles Gallery first and then embedding there, WE then have to go back in and delete the images in the Gallery.
Any thoughts?
Thanks Bill
updated by @arlomaniac: 08/17/20 01:34:35PM
5 years ago
7,794 posts
I've tried to reproduce your steps to see the issue happening here, but I can not get "Invalid Access Key" to appear.

If you'd like me to take a look at it happening on your site, send me the login details for an account where it happens to support at jamroom dot net along with a link to this thread and the admin login details for your site.

Alternatively some more steps to be able to recreate it or a video of it happening post that here.
5 years ago
27 posts
Thanks Guys.
For others who may come up against this - turned out we have an unusual PHP network problem.
We also had a problem with updates and the cache clearing.
