investigating Charts acting strange after 6.5 Upgrade

5 years ago
48 posts
Hello Jamroom team. I hope things are going well.
After 6.5 upgrade I noticed that the Charts are acting strange and not displaying the proper plays for the range time(1 day, week, month, year) selected.
See attached image that I noticed in the Audio Pro 1.1.5 skin. In the front page shows one number and in the chart page shows different. I tried in the Media Pro 1.6 skin and it does not shows anything.
Has the way how charts works in new jamroom changed?
Audio Pro:
Charts page: domain/chart
Media Pro: doman/music_charts

frontpage.PNG  •  8KB

chartpage.PNG  •  9KB

mediaProchat.PNG  •  5KB

updated by @luis456: 10/06/20 12:40:03PM
5 years ago
7,794 posts
It looks like its only the 1 day chart that is out of order. I suspect it will fix itself by tomorrow if that's the case.

If you'd like me to debug it, send the admin login details to support at jamroom dot net along with a link to this thread.

I'll download the chart related data and put it on a local server to figure out whats going on.

Are you seeing it in any other location than:
( YOUR SITE ).com/chart/days=1

( YOUR SITE ).com/chart/days=7
( YOUR SITE ).com/chart/days=30
Look like its working correctly
updated by @michael: 05/14/20 05:59:35PM
5 years ago
7,794 posts
The issue is that 1 day of data is not there, if you request 2 days of data, then you get the most recent charts.

Did 1 day of data used to work?

(your site).com/chart/days=2

does show the 1 day data.

Still haven't figured it out, the code looks ok. My current best guess is your Daily Maintenance listener is firing off late in the day causing results to be not there when searched for.
updated by @michael: 05/16/20 12:27:45AM
Cloud Media
Cloud Media
5 years ago
53 posts
After recent update were having the same issue. How do we fix it's show 30 day the same all other days except for 14. 14 is actually showing what 30 day should br showing in Audio Pro.
5 years ago
7,794 posts
The issue in this case was the charts run on the daily mantanence, so just after midnight on the 17th the charts were being calculated, but they were being calculate for the 15th. The result was that there was no data for the 16th and the 1 day charts wanted that info.

What changed was that instead of calculating for the previous day they now calculate for the actual day 17th. Give it a day and it should come right.

If you want something to check, check that data is being recorded in the 'charts_history' table. The 'chart_date' is in the format YYYYMMDD so 2020 05 22 would be 20200522.

Check that each day that column is getting new data into it.

ACP -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> TOOLS -> DATABASE ADMIN -> jr_charts_history
(click the SELECT button to see the table, then click on chart_date a couple of times until the newest shows at the top)
5 years ago
48 posts
After doing some testing looks like the "Pagebreak" is not displaying the data properly and causing this issues. When this option is disabled it appears to work fine, but still it appears that pagebreak is grabbing/displaying the counts in the opposite order.
But I'm not so sure if that is the case.
Cloud Media
Cloud Media
5 years ago
53 posts
After recent update were having the same issue. How do we fix it shows 30 day the same all other days except for 14. 14 is actually showing what 30 day should be showing in Audio Pro.
Cloud Media
Cloud Media
5 years ago
53 posts
Is there a fix for the charts?
5 years ago
7,794 posts
Take a look in your jr_jrcharts_history table and make sure you have data for every day.

If your data jumps days like this:

Then the data is not being recorded and that will be the issue.
5 years ago
48 posts
Hello Michael. If that is the case then the number of plays should be "0" right? But this not the case. 1 and 7 days charts shows the total plays, 14 days seems to be right, but 365 shows plays for the month.
I tried on you demo site and it seems to be working okay.
Does your demo site has the latest version of Jamrom 6.5.5 with the AudioPro skin 1.1.6?
Just wondering.
I was also testing with the Media Pro Light skin 1.6  domain/music_charts and the charts for 1 week, 1 month and one year do not show any data.
Modifying the code in the music_charts.tpl
from this:
{if isset($_conf.jrMediaProLight_require_images) && $_conf.jrMediaProLight_require_images == 'on'}
{if isset($_post.search_area) && $_post.search_area == 'audio_genre'}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" quota_id=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_artist_quota search1="audio_genre like `$_post.search_string`" template="music_chart_row.tpl" require_image="audio_image" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" quota_id=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_artist_quota template="music_chart_row.tpl" require_image="audio_image" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{if isset($_post.search_area) && $_post.search_area == 'audio_genre'}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" quota_id=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_artist_quota search1="audio_genre like `$_post.search_string`" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" quota_id=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_artist_quota template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}

to this:
{if isset($_conf.jrMediaProLight_require_images) && $_conf.jrMediaProLight_require_images == 'on'}
{if isset($_post.search_area) && $_post.search_area == 'audio_genre'}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{if isset($_post.search_area) && $_post.search_area == 'audio_genre'}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="30" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak=$_conf.jrMediaProLight_default_pagebreak page=$_post.p}

seems to display data but with the same wrong plays counts.
I tried on your demo site
and it seems to work fine.

Now I'm not sure if the jamroom core and skin are current.
Just wondering
Cloud Media
Cloud Media
5 years ago
53 posts
Was working yesterday but today is back not operating correctly.
5 years ago
7,794 posts
All things point to jr_jrcharts_history. If there is no data for a date, then all days get used.

The data should be being recorded if even 1 visitor happens to the site, even if its a search engine bot, just something to kick off the daily_maintenance function.
Cloud Media
Cloud Media
5 years ago
53 posts
Please review,
This is inaccurate chart info and its the same info for each timeline.
5 years ago
7,794 posts
That tells me nothing, its just output. Where you need to look is jr_jrcharts_history table and make sure that every date has an entry. They won't have. That's the cause of your issue. Your site is for some reason not recording data every day.

Thats the issue that needs fixing, but since its not happening for everyone, just some, its hard to identify.
Cloud Media
Cloud Media
5 years ago
53 posts
What it tells you is something in the last update effected the charts. Please fix..
5 years ago
48 posts
I had upgraded the database to MariaDB 10.3.23 the skin to Audio Pro 2 hopping that will fix the error, but not luck yet.
I'm having the same issue. Looks like the Core is graving the wrong data for streams counts.
In wonder if somebody else is having the same problem besides @cloud-media after the upgrade.
updated by @luis456: 07/06/20 08:38:46PM
5 years ago
10,149 posts
Sorry for not following up here as I've been out this last week - @luis456 can you contact me at support so I can check this out again? I'm not seeing any issues with this on our largest hosted sites, so this _should_ be working.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
