Issues following the updates

5 years ago
334 posts
Hi there,
Following our application of the recent batch of system updates, I have had reports of a couple of issues from users of who access the site on iPad:

1) They have to log in every time they want to access the site.

2) The comment box on the Forum has increased size and is now off the screen on both sides.

3) Their "Items You Like" are not showing recently liked items, though the "Latest Likes" on their profile page does show them. I'm not sure if this is ONLY iPad users yet. My Admin user, accessed on PC does not have this problem.

Anyone else having similar issues?
I don't have an iPad so I can't test these things.
updated by @lornawebber: 08/20/20 01:47:36AM
5 years ago
7,794 posts
Everyone having to re-login could be an expected side-effect of updating the code, but that should stick after they do it the first time. You're saying they have to do it each time? That would be a bug.
5 years ago
334 posts
Yes, it does seem to be a common problem. I'll raise a support ticket.
5 years ago
334 posts
Further to item 3) above, I have now been able to investigate the account of one of the users who raised the issue.
It seems that all Liked items are in the list, but that the order is now random instead of reverse date order (i.e. latest Likes appear first).
Has this been changed?
Is it possible to get the "Items You Like" back into reverse date order?

5 years ago
334 posts
The comment box on small screens and the Login problems have now been fixed. Thank you.

I would still like to know if the Items You Like can be displayed in the order of most recent first, please?
