solved Groups not showing on Ninja Skin (Site Builder)

5 years ago
558 posts
Sorry to trouble you yet again, but I am testing out our Jamroom site and I have now added a group (Ninja Skin). However, it is not showing up on the front page under "top groups"; which I believe it is meant to.
I have reset caches numerous times and done an integrity check, but to no avail.

Also on another topic, are discussions and forum posts the same? Please see image.
updated by @isleander: 08/02/20 01:09:44PM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: Sorry to trouble you yet again, but I am testing out our Jamroom site and I have now added a group (Ninja Skin). However, it is not showing up on the front page under "top groups"; which I believe it is meant to.
he title of the widget is 'Top Groups' and the criteria for that, by default, is the number of comments a group has. If a group has no comments as yet, it will not show, otherwise groups are listed in descending order of the number of comments made on them.

Quote: Also on another topic, are discussions and forum posts the same? Please see image.

No forum posts are those made on the Forum module whilst discussion posts are those made in Group Discussions.


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
558 posts
The group I added was showing yesterday when I clicked the link "show all" on "Top Groups" from the front page, but not today after doing an integrity check. I tried adding a group widget again to the front page (Site Builder), but I cannot see a widget for Top Groups or Groups in the Widget list.
Any advice?
Widgets.jpg  •  95KB

updated by @isleander: 05/02/20 05:06:17AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
When you click on the "Show All" groups link it goes to another page that shows all groups with no search filters.

There are no specific Group widgets in SiteBuilder. Use the 'Item List' widget and select the Group module.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
558 posts
.... Use the 'Item List' widget and select the Group module.

Sorry Paul, I'm rather baffled as to what you mean exactly.
I seem to have lost the "Top Groups" widget from the front page, and don't see a way of adding back, neither can I see an "Item List" widget on the Group module. Please see attached images.
5 years ago
2,804 posts
Have any groups been created on the site?



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
5 years ago
558 posts
Have any groups been created on the site?


Yes Douglas
5 years ago
4,335 posts
I was referring to the 'Item List' SiteBuilder widget, not the Group modules within the ACP.

From your screenshots it looks like you've deleted the Top Groups widget on your homepage SiteBuilder configuration. If you want to add it back, click on the SiteBuilder button (bottom left) then click on the 'Add Widget' in the widget cell you want it to show in. You can then move it to its required position. You can then click the widget update (gear icon) to select the widget type, in this case 'Item List' then select the Group module to list.
SiteBuilder documentation here -

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
558 posts
I was referring to the 'Item List' SiteBuilder widget, not the Group modules within the ACP.

From your screenshots it looks like you've deleted the Top Groups widget on your homepage SiteBuilder configuration. If you want to add it back, click on the SiteBuilder button (bottom left) then click on the 'Add Widget' in the widget cell you want it to show in. You can then move it to its required position. You can then click the widget update (gear icon) to select the widget type, in this case 'Item List' then select the Group module to list.
SiteBuilder documentation here -

Hello Paul, As already explained, there is no "Group widget" of any description on the widget list. Please see image, and post from 2 hours ago.
Widgets.jpg  •  95KB

5 years ago
4,335 posts
See my comments above. Select the Item List widget. This is a widget to list any Jamroom datastore items. Once selected, you can configure the widget to list Groups, in the order you want, and with any (search) filters you want.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
558 posts
Ah, Thank you Paul, finally worked out what you meant!

Is there a way I can add back TOP GROUPS with the link "See All"?
I have tried all three modules from the list, but none show the "Show All" link.
Top Groups.jpg
Top Groups.jpg  •  18KB

5 years ago
4,335 posts
Put this in the widget title field -

{jrCore_lang skin="jrNinja" id="24" default="Top"} {jrCore_lang skin="jrNinja" id="25" default="Groups"}   <span class="view-all"><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{jrCore_module_url module="jrGroup"}">{jrCore_lang skin="jrNinja" id="30" defaul="All"}</a></span>

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
558 posts
Put this in the widget title field ........

The link then leads to a blank page...
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Is your group set to Private, or is the profile that created it set to Private or Followers Only?
If so, the group will not show in any lists.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
558 posts
Is your group set to Private, or is the profile that created it set to Private or Followers Only?
If so, the group will not show in any lists.

No, none of the above.
updated by @isleander: 05/04/20 12:37:43AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Can you send your admin login to support[at]jamroom[dot]net and I see what's going on.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
558 posts
Certainly Paul...
5 years ago
558 posts
Can you send your admin login to support[at] jamroom[dot] net and I see what's going on.

Re: email. I’ve now managed to get the tabs to show on members profiles
5 years ago
4,335 posts
You had configured the 'Show All Groups' page as a SiteBuilder view but had not created any SiteBuilder widgets on it, so nothing was showing. I've deleted that SiteBuilder view show the default group listing now shows.
Also, on the front page, the Top Groups widget was configured to show Group Discussions, of which there are none as yet. I've changed that to show Groups and that now works ok.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
558 posts
You had configured the 'Show All Groups' page as a SiteBuilder view but had not created any SiteBuilder widgets on it, so nothing was showing. I've deleted that SiteBuilder view show the default group listing now shows.
Also, on the front page, the Top Groups widget was configured to show Group Discussions, of which there are none as yet. I've changed that to show Groups and that now works ok.

Thank you Paul,
Your help is really appreciated. 👍