Multiple Family Tree - Research Access

5 years ago
2 posts
Recently started using Genosis, it seem that it not very active but the project seem rather good. Thank you for sharing this Jamroom Extensions.

Would it be possible to be able to create private Family tree for different family? Currently if people have access to the tree they have access to everything.

I was hoping I could create different logins to have different access to each tree. And the "admin or researcher" of that tree can invite their family to contribute to that tree.

Unfortunately anyone who signup will be able to access the tree information, there is no approval system or private tree for your family system.

Is there any way I do can one of those two thing using Jamroom as I understand Jamroom tools is quite extensive and powerful?

Or can it be add as a feature in future update.

Thank you.
updated by @oceantralian: 05/30/20 10:47:45AM
5 years ago
7,794 posts
The intention of the system was not to be an clone, but rather to allow the creation of personal family trees as a website.

If you have development experience, jamroom has a built in feature called the "Events and Listeners" system which is excellent for customization.

Docs: "Events and Listeners"

What it is is all data has tap-in points where it can be manipulated by other modules in the system. So you can build your own module that contains all the checks that need to be passed before features get out to a page.

The other options are:
* give us a feature request of what you're after and if its a good one that fits for everybody we may build it in the future.
* Sponsor a module (same as above, but push its priority higher)

Docs: "Sponsor a module"

* Hire the team to build your site for you.

Form for Custom Projects

If you want to give it a go, we're here to help you in the forums.

A simiar question was asked here:

Forum: Genosis Query
updated by @michael: 02/27/20 05:49:46PM
5 years ago
2 posts
Thanks Michael. Would consider the other option you have proposed. As this is currently just a side project/weekend project, I will just slowly learn how to use and develop it.

Maybe eventually can write a guide so other people can follow it.

As for Features Request, if it truly is meant to be a "personal family" tree then it is pointless to make a request for it. I was thinking of providing it to friend (or non related family) and they can create their own tree without interfering with mine. Secondly to restrict editing ability so the "admin" can control accuracy.

I suppose I could always create a subdomain for them but that just meant more file management.

Was hoping there could be an alternative solution using another Module/Core such as User or "Permission" or if anyone that was stuck in the same position as me have come up with a solution. Maybe there is a solution in that thread, but it is a long read so I will slowly mull over it.
updated by @oceantralian: 02/27/20 07:30:32PM
5 years ago
7,794 posts
This is the post that's probably of most interest to you
I think Genosis can almost do what you're looking to do, but right now "out of the box" it will function properly, but may not work the way you're hoping it to work (if you're looking for what I think you're looking for).

Genosis supports multiple trees no problem - however it has been designed as a system where multiple genealogical researchers are all working on one or more trees that they ALL have access to. So you could have 50 different researchers, and 50 different trees, but all the users that have a researcher account would have access to all 50 trees.

I think what you are looking for is totally doable, but would need some Genosis core updates to work properly:

- we need a new user account config item that says "this user has full access to THESE trees, but can't see ones they don't own"

- users can be invited to "join" a tree by regular users so they can invite their family or other researchers to help them out, or view the full tree (if tree privacy is enabled) - right now this is only doable by the site owner (master admin)

So that's definitely not hard to think about how it would be done, but it would all be done at the lowest level so it would take some work to make that happen.

Not a bad idea for Genosis 2.0 as really it would let you make your own version of in a way.

Let me know if that helps.

