The search function on the Timeline doesn't seem to work as I imagine it should, so either there is a problem on my site or most likely I haven't understood it.
Can anyone direct me to where this feature is explained, please?
Are the search terms applied only to Timeline entries belonging to the owner of the Timeline?
Is the whole timeline entry text searched?
Our users do a lot of following of various friends, and it's hard to see what's going on in the Timeline with so many entries from various followed members. Mostly it would be interesting to see when someone followed has uploaded images, videos etc., but I can't see a way of searching for that.
I'm pretty sure the Timeline entry used to say "x has uploaded a new photo", but now it only gives the gallery name and thumbnails of some images in it. I'd have liked to search "new photo", for example.
It would also be nice just to search for all entries of a particular profile "@-name", but that doesn't return any results.
updated by @lornawebber: 05/25/20 11:14:36PM