solved Head & Body questions

6 years ago
18 posts
Im using a third party script that require code be put between the HEAD tags of my web page.
And put code just after the closing /BODY tag of my web page.

What templates can i find these tags?or what templates correspond with this?
updated by @kanu: 07/02/20 04:18:14AM
6 years ago
4,335 posts
The HEAD tags are in the skin's meta.tpl template and the /BODY tag is in the skin's footer.tpl template.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist

updated by @paul: 12/15/19 10:02:06AM
6 years ago
18 posts
Ive been trying to add javascript code to the templates but it freezes / breaks my site. When i put the javascript code right before the /head in the meta.tpl using {literal} template block it causes my reset cache to not work as well as template builder and the template editor wont save, i have code in the footer with no problem that i can see. I am trying to put the code in the head and body and have results show on a page using the pagebuilder using a code also. i used the literal in the pagebuilder too.
6 years ago
7,794 posts
the most likely cause is the code is breaking things. Whats the code? Paste it here surrounded by [ c o d e] the code in here [ / c o d e]

It comes out like this:
some code here
code_block.jpg  •  115KB

updated by @michael: 12/16/19 08:36:09PM
6 years ago
18 posts
This is the code and instructions from the maker of the script

Paste the following code between the HEAD /HEAD tags of your web page.

<script src=""></script><script src=""></script>

Paste the following code just after the closing /BODY tag of your web page.


Define where you want the player to be located. Copy the following code to where you want the player to be located:

 <div class="radioplayer" data-src="<em><strong></strong></em>" data-autoplay="false" data-playbutton="true" data-volumeslider="true" data-elapsedtime="true" data-nowplaying="true" data-showplayer="true" data-volume="50" data-showartwork="false"></div>

updated by @kanu: 12/17/19 04:39:34PM
5 years ago
2,804 posts
No need to add the jquery file as it should already be available for you.

Try just adding just the public radio script in the meta.tpl file instead...

<script src=""></script>

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
5 years ago
694 posts
Pinterest has the following instruction for Pintererst users who wish to "claim" their own site.

Paste this tag into the section of your site’s index.html file:

Following the above notes, this should go be placed in the Skin meta.tpl template, but exactly how? Can this thread show such a template and how to position the html inside the template?

**** Hold on a tic! ****

The buried instructions at Pinterest seem to assume that your life is spent on one of the other main social networks, not any old Jamroom site:

"Claim your Instagram, Etsy or YouTube account to let people know where they can see more from you. ..."

So, is there any benefit in putting this kind of "claim" code into the meta-tag area of my Jamroom hosted site?

Can I expect Pinterest to recognise it?

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
5 years ago
4,335 posts
The tag isn't showing. Post again wrapping it in [ c o d e ] [ / c o d e ] (without the spaces).

As for whether Pinterest will recognise it, I'd suggest just to try it and see.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
