php upload limits and other causes of discrepencies

6 years ago
3,304 posts
3 sites, all on same server all have matching php settings
(litespeed not apache)
1 site upload limi9t says about 12.8 gig
the other 2 13 meg
phpinfo seems to be the same (26g memory limit max post and upload limit)
i know 1 site does not give the cpu count
and cannot upload phoenix.js
(new server doubled ram performance score 4789)
i know its something simple i'm, miissing

dreadlockssite works correctly freedomswings does not

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 02/25/20 10:25:17PM
6 years ago
7,794 posts
There are a few values that are different between the sites.
swings.jpg  •  182KB

dredkock.jpg  •  164KB

combined.jpg  •  376KB

6 years ago
3,304 posts
so i need to change them to 2600 m not 26g/

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
6 years ago
3,304 posts
oddi changed em all to 26000M
expose had the ipen base dir which i changed to none
that 1 is fixed freedomswings still says 13m
not sure why

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
6 years ago
7,794 posts
Docs: "HowTo: Increasing PHP's Upload Limit"

Go over the settings in there, see if they all match.

But it could be at server level too, if the server only has X amount of memory and you adjust php.ini to be more than that it wont change the physical characteristics of the server itself.
6 years ago
3,304 posts
servers got 64 g
i got it 1 file had to be edited manualy for some reason
theother in plesk changed from 26g to 26000m
was confused why phpinfo said 26g but only alowed 13 m

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
