The newest Jamroom Core 6.4.0 includes an upgrade to TinyMCE 5.0.14 (the "WYSIWYG" editor that Jamroom uses). This NEW release of TinyMCE changes how the editor plugins work, and could show an error in your browser until you full reset your browser caches - especially if you are using Chrome!
Chrome aggressively caches Javascript, which means you are likely to see an error in the editor after upgrading to Jamroom Core 6.4.0. To fix any errors you need to do the following:
1) Make sure any 3rd party Editor plugins (such as the Editor Code Mirror plugin from Ultrajam) are disabled for now until they are updated to support TinyMCE 5+
2) You need to FORCE a full refresh in your browser - unfortunately simply pressing "refresh" in your Chrome browser does NOT do this - you need to do the following:
- If you are using macOS Chrome press Command-Shift-R - this forces a new load that bypasses cache
- If you are on Windows Ctrl-F5 should force a refresh. If you still see an error in the editor, you may need to reset your browser cache completely since this may/may not actually work on some Windows installs.
The upgrade to TinyMCE 5 is an important update since it focuses on improving the mobile editing experience and is needed to address several issues in TinyMCE 4.9 that were not fixed until 5.
If you have any questions please feel free to respond here and we can follow up.
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
updated by @brian: 06/24/23 10:17:11AM