360 degree images for Embed Local Media?

6 years ago
95 posts
360 degree images are getting more popular, is there plans to add a possibility to embed them via the Embed Local Media icon in the editor?

(Well you can add them now already, but they are displayed as normal images, stretched out.)
updated by @k-k: 12/23/19 08:46:31PM
6 years ago
4,335 posts
This could probably be done as a module that would include the script(s) to process and show the 360 degree image.
Have just searched and there does seem to be suitable scripts available but as Jamroom is actively moving away from third party scripts (they invariably cause support issues down the road), this would need to be a custom module.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
6 years ago
95 posts
Having the ability to add 360 images to image galleries would also be nice.

Currently there is no way to display them with Jamroom, so using them means sending users to other websites :(.
6 years ago
10,149 posts
Having the ability to add 360 images to image galleries would also be nice.

Currently there is no way to display them with Jamroom, so using them means sending users to other websites :(.

Are these a special type of image? I would need to get an example image so I could check it out and see if it is supportable.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
6 years ago
95 posts
For example here
Facebook has allowed 360 photos (and some 3D photos also) for some time now.
If uploaded now 360 photo will be displayed as "flat" two dimensional in Jamroom.
6 years ago
7,799 posts
There's a stackoveflow question on how to do it here:

StackOverflow: "Recognizing and displaying 360 degree images in HTML"

It does not outline how to detect that an image is a 360 degree image though.
6 years ago
198 posts
I made a custom module uses Pannellum to show 360 degree panaromic images. It can show partial panaromas too. I needed to use another lightbox plugin to work with pannellum for this custom module. And i think there is a 4096px OpenGL limitation for mobile devices (whatever the hell it is) so you need to resize yor images or add a line to jrImage module for it (maybe Brian add that size for this in the future) I am not saying it was easy to make it work but it is possible. Pannellum working enough for me, but i think there are more easy and better ways to do it for someone who knows what to do :)
updated by @melih: 09/23/19 02:36:24PM