solved Marketplace Doesn't Recognize 30 Day Trial

6 years ago
10 posts
So I just installed Jamroom and entered my credentials in the ADC > Modules > Tools > Marketplace Systems. However, the marketplace still says everything has a price. I thought that for the first 30 days you could try things out without paying.
updated by @kevin80858: 11/12/19 02:03:22AM
6 years ago
2,804 posts

Welcome to Jamroom!

Where are you seeing a 30 day trial?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos

updated by @douglas: 08/08/19 10:22:14AM
6 years ago
1 posts
Yes, scroll down and it says:

Try Jamroom Premium Free for 30 days
All Marketplace products are free for 30 days. These packages will help you get started quickly!
6 years ago
2,804 posts
Yes, scroll down and it says:

Try Jamroom Premium Free for 30 days
All Marketplace products are free for 30 days. These packages will help you get started quickly!

That is for the Jamroom Premium package.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
6 years ago
10 posts
Right. So does the trial only include the modules from the package with the link y'all send or does it include all modules. I installed through Softaculous and then put in my marketplace credentials, I take it that won't work for the premium trial?

Do I need to purchase first and then if it doesn't work request a refund?
6 years ago
10,149 posts
Right. So does the trial only include the modules from the package with the link y'all send or does it include all modules. I installed through Softaculous and then put in my marketplace credentials, I take it that won't work for the premium trial?

Do I need to purchase first and then if it doesn't work request a refund?

No - the problem here is the softaculous install - that's going to get you just the open source core install. What you need to do is go here:

and scroll down to the premium package you want to install and click the "download" button. This will allow you to enter your email (or if you are already installed it knows it) - it will then send you a special download with a special code in it that will let you get setup on the 30 day trial. Make sure and use the same email address at install time that you have on your account here and it will link up.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
